Representative Clients...
What Our Clients Say...
"I am responsible for selecting students from post-secondary training institutions across the country to participate in our 23-week automotive technical training program. The vetting process includes an online mechanical / general knowledge test, a video interview, and in preparation for the video interview, a test link from eTest is sent to each prospective student. The results of the eTest have proven to be very helpful to tailor the interview questions specifically for each student based on the results of their individual eTest assessment. As a result, our apprentice technician training program has been very successful, with hundreds of graduates filling technical positions at our dealerships. eTest has been a key component of our ability to select the best candidates for our program."
Christopher Lum
Senior Technical Training Analyst
"I have found eTest to be a very effective tool to help me measure a new hire's strengths and opportunity areas. The results from eTest have also helped me customize a training and development plan to better suit the new hire's learning style."
Jim Helfrick
Senior Operations Manager
"Having worked with Management Psychology Group for almost 20 years, their eTest platform has become an instrumental part of PYA's recruitment process. It provides us with data points that help us make informed decisions during the recruitment process. They go above and beyond simply providing a report by talking through questions and advising us whenever needed. We look forward to continuing to partner with them as an integral part of our recruiting process."

Lori Foley
"eTest has been in my assessment battery for 20 years because I have found it is the best Big Five tool available. It packs quite a bit of bang for the time and cost of administration. The cognitive and behavioral competency results description is comprehensive. eTest 'gets' people."

Karen A. Foster, Ph.D.
Owner and Executive Consultant
"We have used eTest for six years. All of our past and current employees, as well as our applicants, take eTest before we hire them. eTest is a great predictor of how well they will perform, and is more accurate than anything else I've used, including my gut feeling! The time and money saved training and hiring employees by doing it right the first time far outweighs the expense of this assessment test."
Andrew Kane
District Manager
"Recommending eTest to our clients has been one of the most helpful suggestions we have made to them! eTest is surprisingly accurate for an online computer-generated test, which speaks to the enormous effort put into the development and continuing refinement of the instrument. Our clients have found that by using eTest, they can screen applicants more quickly, more accurately identify potential, and more clearly see red flags or warning signals in potential new hires. They have found the reports and interview suggestions to be enormously useful. Additionally, our clients have found the support and responsiveness from Cheryl Zink and the eTest psychologists to be superior. I strongly recommend eTest as a highly cost-effective way to increase understanding of potential hires, to plan for their development, and to avoid costly mistakes."
Suzanne H. Montgomery, Ph.D.
President and Management Psychologist
"eTest has been a key part of our ongoing focus on talent. This technology and the underlying principles have helped us better select and develop our people at all levels in the organization, better than any other tool we have used."
Allan McLeland
"eTest is a cost-effective tool that helps us make better hiring decisions. Our culture is to foster honesty, diligence, and excellence. Part of the way we achieve this is to ensure we have the right people in the right positions. eTest adds tremendous value by helping us to understand a candidate's professional makeup, and to identify where our company needs and the candidate's characteristics are mismatched, all of which minimizes turnover."
Tim Springer
"eTest has been a crucial component of our professional psychological assessment practice for more than twenty years. We have administered it to over 150,000 people both as part of a full psychological assessment and as the online standalone version. It has been integral to our work with clients such as AT&T, Sprint, the PGA Tour, Waffle House, Regions Financial, the Rollins companies and AvL Technologies, to name just a few."
Hodges L. Golson, Ph.D.